Yes am I very aware that it is know where near my birthday and chirstmas is even further away but I need these!
Mam if your reading this, these are all from river island!!
Everyone has a preference of the shop that they like the most, I always think more adventurous people shop in topshop, but personally I find them sizest.
And by sizest anyone who isn't a stick will have noticed this, they literally only stock 4 and 6, there's something a little bit sad about reaching the last one on the rail and it being a 8.
I have thought this for so long that I don't even bother going in to look anymore.
I am totally more of a River Island girl, and have been for years. I always think no matter what the season they always have a least one good collection.
I'm really starting to get into whites and nudes, I don't know why as having a two year old this can never be a good idea but still I love this who collection.
So again anyone feel free to get me these, any will do but all is best!
lush clothes!