Thursday, 7 May 2015

Oh Hell It's The Healthy Time Of Year

So it's that time of year again!


Last year, still holding quite a bit of 'baby weight' my friend persuaded me to start my juice plus journey, I loved it!

For some reason it felt easy, I liked to see instant results so I imagine that is why. In the first week I lost 6 pound. 
That was is me sold!

Over the course of 8 weeks some weeks definitely being more into it then others, I lost nearly 2 stone and 2 dress sizes. It was exactly what I needed.

The basic principal is you have 2 shakes a day, mixed with either almond, coconut or rice milk, healthy snacks and a clean meal.

It was actually very easy, for me anyways, I had a goal, my holiday, and I was seeing results so that was keeping me motivatived and in the zone!

So after being off work for a few weeks and eating my way through Cadbury land I decided to purchase another load of these shakes and this time the capsules as well which are ment to promote healthy skin and hair.

JuicePlus lets you go onto a monthly payment plan as like most diets it's expensive if you pay for all 4 months at once, I think I'm paying £45ish per month for 4 months of shakes and the capsules.

It works out less then a bar of chocolate a day, now obvious that I remember ha 

I am going to be posting my weekly journey and meals so yous can see exactly what it is like.

I feel in the zone waiting for my little parcel to arrive so I'm hoping I will have a good week!!

So watch out for my weekly posts if your interested! 

Email: if you would like me to pass on more success story's and my distributors information


Monday, 4 May 2015

Let's Tell The Truth About The Tan

So is it just me or does everyone else feel like as soon as there is a glimmer of sun they must dust off there tanning products and become a bronze goddess once again.
Even tho it has been completely acceptable to resemble a ghost for the last 6 months I now feel under pressure to be head to toe tanned as all times.
I must admit I was completely caught out in that first day and possible the second, I had tan in my house but it wasn't the good stuff. I was the horrible patchy stuff and in my mind I just wasn't prepared to shred half my skin whilst trying to take it off.

So I went and purchased what can only be described as my holy grail of tan!! 

Here you go, and your welcome!!

I got the rapid version, this is a very running liquid which I like, just put a few drops on your tanning mit and let the tanning commence.
This like most now this has a colour guide and develops in about 4 hours.

After trying a lot and I mean a lot of tans this is by far my favourite, it was about £20 which is pricey but it's a big bottle and you really don't use much so for me it's definitely worth it.

Enjoy being a golden goddess without the pricey holiday